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Big Papi's Kids

Big Papi’s Kids strives to help children and families in Colombia, South America by providing educational opportunities and resources.

2025. A New Year, New Opportunities!

As we enter another year, may we all be thankful to the Lord for the Blessings we have received. May we also continue to use our treasure to celebrate life and to help and serve others.Slowly but surely we are able to assist those children and families less fortunate than us in the community of Monteria Colombia.

Be an Angel.

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Monteria, Columbia

November 2024

I had numerous reasons to be thankful over the Thanksgiving holiday.

I was grateful to see smiling faces of all ages. They were smiling because they had food to eat, a place to live, medicine, the opportunity to get an education, and a chance to become self-sufficient!

Paola and her family through help from us has established her own dress shop in her home. She is doing well with only minimum assistance from us.

The Ruiz family continues their education: Stefanie, the mother, attends English classes at the local university, Nikole is an honor student at her middle school, and young Celeste is thriving at Pestalozzi Christian School with whom we collaborate.

Judith has received a computer from us to begin working at home. Her two sons Miller, who attends elementary school, and Milan, who is homebound due to his hytroencepalis, are both doing well.

Karla, a young mother who has a congenital heart condition, receives assistance for her illness and tuition for her cosmetology school and tuition for her two children, Jordan and Roseaura.

Lastly, I am thankful for you! Your prayers, good wishes and sharing of your treasure truly shows God's Grace in this sinful world. I hope to continue to be a good steward of your help for those less fortunate than us.

May God Bless all of you, and may God Bless the whole world.

Much Love,
Dan Harms "Big Papi"


MAY 22, 2024   Big Papi's Kids will again return to Monteria, Colombia to monitor, assist, and renew relationships with our families.

Some the families we serve are:

Mrs Stephanie Ruiz, who is our representative, continues her tireless work on our behalf. We also support her daughtersNikole and Celeste in their education. Nikole also receives educational and speech support. 

Mrs Judith Moreno, with the support of Red Leaf technologies, is receiving technical support to work at home. This is vital due to the fact that her child, Milan, requires 24 hour care. Milan's brother, Miller, continues to be supported by Big Papi's Kids for his education.

Through the help of our donors we will be able to move forward to support students who need technological help (EPC, and Red Leaf), financial help, and continue to strengthen our relationships with these families.

Please keep the children in your prayers. Any assistance you can provide is 100% invested in helping our families. 

Our priorities: 

1. help children 
2. make education accessible. 
3. establish life-long relationships with the people we serve. 

God bless all & God bless the little children.


Big Papi is proud to have been a part of the educational journey of these wonderful students!


Kindergarten graduate


Kindergarten graduate


University graduate


40 beautiful children

52 weeks in a year

$100 dollars a week keeps them fed

Can you help?

1 larger building - helps more kids, keeps them off the street, keeps them safe.

Can you help?

8 students, 4 in university, 4 in elementary - we buy their uniforms, books and pay tuition.

Can you help?

The NUMBERS add up.


How many will help?   

Help us, tell us, direct us, please let us know how you want your treasure to be assigned.

Please pray for us.

Please spread the word.

Thank you, God bless.



$100 A WEEK

The work of Big Papi's Kids


Provide technological assistance to students in order to open a window to the world.


Providing children with food on their plates and warmth in their bellies.

BIG PAPI'S mission

The mission of Big Papi’s Kids is to improve the quality of life for families in Colombia, where many struggle to survive below the average earnings of $16 a day. We provide electronics, tuition assistance, transportation and other means to help children and parents gain an education and financial independence.

what you can do to help

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Big Papi's Kids is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Big Papi's Kids are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.