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Letters from monteria

August 11, 2022

Sirs: Potential Donors

Subject: Help for single mothers

Best regard:

I am writing to you in order to tell you about several stories of mothers who are heads of households. My name is Estefany Ruíz, a Colombian leader chosen by Mr. Daniel harmn to represent some vulnerable women mothers who fight for their children, lacking many needs; including my case.

The main objective is to collaborate with children with low economic resources in the educational field, since you do not have help from the government and from their parents, that is, fathers, who only have the little that their mothers earn for their daily sustenance (food, shelter for to live).

Taking into account the foregoing, in my case I am a mother and in my position I have two mines, one of 10 years old, her own name is Nicole Andrea, she is in 4th grade, she is in a Christian school, I receive the help of Mr. Daniel harms, who has been Very fundamental for the intellectual growth of my daughter Nicole, who collaborated with me in her school, and Celeste Ruiz, 3 years old, who is not studying because her age has not allowed her, but with the favor of the creator (GOD). I hope next year he can start his studies I am independent, I work in what I have to do every day I am studying administrative assistant at the TECONOLOGICA DE CORDOBA corporation, I hope to graduate at the end of the year as long as I can afford my career, I live in a small rented apartment thanks to the humanitarian aid of Mr. Daniel harmn who is helping me with my studies, my daughters and my needs, I help my mother and my grandfather since they do not have an income and they are ad elderly people... I am helping Mr. Daniel in his BIG PAPI project here in Colombia to support other women fighters. During his visit, we learned about the case of Laura Orozco, mother of two small children, an 8-year-old girl and a 3-year-old boy who did not she has no help she makes accessories for girls for her livelihood, the case of Alexandra Paola mother of two children one of them suffers from Drew syndrome her name is Ángel Urrea special child is in a special school due to her physical disabilities. And he requires medical help. and so are many strong and thriving women that I have met along with Mr. Daniel, who are fighting day by day for the well-being, growth and education of their children. We met the case of a single father with two little ones, his name is Javier Padrón, the man is dedicated to hairdressing and shaving for his little ones' daily expenses, since his mother abandoned him, taking into account the previous stories, worth the redundancy, the main objective is help children in the educational field that is the most fundamental in their growth. I do not give them income because it is a help that comes from the heart.

Thank you very much for your attention

att; Estefany Ruiz

CC 106789604

September 1st, 2022

Daniel, blessings, I'm sending you this video of the children, I pray God so much that he continues to help the Betania project, for food and to be able to pay the rent for the place. thank you very much for everything ❤️

September 8th, 2022
Blessings Daniel, I am sending you a video of the children today in the dining room, this last video is the patio where we are with them, we need to put a floor on it because when it rains it fills up a lot of water and mud, we pray a lot to God to get the money to fix it, to pay rent and food.
september 12th, 2022
Good morning, blessings Daniel, I am sending you photos and videos of the activity we had yesterday afternoon with the children of the Betania Project.
September 19th, 2022
Dear Daniel, a thousand blessings, I am telling you that it is raining a lot here in Montería, and the patio of the house where we are with the children fills up a lot with water and mud, we thank you immensely for helping us with the money to start building the floor. I know that God will multiply every grain of sand that you contribute to this beautiful Project. The kids send you lots of hugs and kisses 😘❤️
December 14th, 2022
Best regards, my name is Ingris Peña, a student at Sensa. At the moment I am studying Human Talent Management. I am very grateful for the support that the non-profit organization Big Papi's Kids has given me, without you it would not have been possible. I appreciate everything you have done. I do for me being a responsible and dedicated person so that everything you have done for me bears fruit. Thank you for helping me create a better future.
Summer 2024